Without Writing

The art of writing without writing… about fighting.

Monthly Archives: June 2018

If You Win, He’ll Just Go Home and Kick His Dog

One area of real world combat that is rarely- if ever- discussed, is that of the externalities of combat.

In economics, externalities are those factors and effects outside the immediate, simple, transaction, that affect other parties: When one buys a car, it may seem a simple matter of an exchange of a pile of money for a tangible item- the car. But in fact that transaction has many external, intangible effects. Every sale of every car infinitesimally affects the overall price of all cars, everywhere. And all future transactions, for that matter. It affects gas prices. And it affects the future spending/saving of the purchaser in different ways, that will impact on every other party they ever do business with. It affects the environment.

The act is a stone cast into a pool. The ripples radiate outwards endlessly.

Economists rarely discuss… or even understand externalities. Even less so do martial artists.

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